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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Oh, if anybody from Harris Teeter is reading this...

This year instead of using the Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry sauce, we used HT Organics Cranberry sauce, and it was DELICIOUS!! We do use that cranberry sauce again next year.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Hope you all have had a happy Thanksgiving! I sure did. Carson came over for dinner. Bayard (my brother) and Rachel (my sister in law) cam over for desert. Though this is stock photo, but my mother DOES roast a good turkey, and makes good stuffing. We sure had a WONDER feast. I must have eaten too much. I have to lose weight. Carson enjoyed dinner, too. It was unfortunately the Detroit Lions (my team) and the Dallas Cowboys (Carson's team) both lost. However, we were BOTH happy that UNC won is Basketball today. I just hope they win again tomorrow. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Okay, after a long hiatus, I’m back

Sorry I haven’t posted in ages. However, still studying Medical Billing and Coding. Now I have a temporary job without ASNC. Started scanning. Tomorrow, I upload.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

VERY unhappy about NFL Football last night.

BOTH the Atlanta Flacons and, even WORSE the New England Patriots won last night. My two least favorite teams in the NFL. I guess, that's just they way things go.

PS. No, I do not hate Atlanta or New England. I just hate the Falcons and Patriots.

In terms of NCAA Basketball

I was happy that the UNC Tar Heels won, yesterday and the Duke Blue Devils lost! Make things even better, UNC beat Florida State, who was ranked first in the ACC. However, since Notre Dame won yesterday (and they were ranked number two in the ACC), that means Notre Dame is now in ranked first in the ACC. UNC is only ranked second. Maybe we will take that first place mark soon.
And this photo was taken in the same spot just yesterday. How ironic! Just last week were covered with snow, now it's nearly all gone. In fact, we even had two days when we had highs of over 70 degrees Fahrenheit. But as we say, that's just North Carolina weather for y'all!

PS. Yes, this is EXACTLY why we don't have plowing or salting services here in NC.