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Sunday, January 15, 2017

VERY unhappy about NFL Football last night.

BOTH the Atlanta Flacons and, even WORSE the New England Patriots won last night. My two least favorite teams in the NFL. I guess, that's just they way things go.

PS. No, I do not hate Atlanta or New England. I just hate the Falcons and Patriots.

In terms of NCAA Basketball

I was happy that the UNC Tar Heels won, yesterday and the Duke Blue Devils lost! Make things even better, UNC beat Florida State, who was ranked first in the ACC. However, since Notre Dame won yesterday (and they were ranked number two in the ACC), that means Notre Dame is now in ranked first in the ACC. UNC is only ranked second. Maybe we will take that first place mark soon.
And this photo was taken in the same spot just yesterday. How ironic! Just last week were covered with snow, now it's nearly all gone. In fact, we even had two days when we had highs of over 70 degrees Fahrenheit. But as we say, that's just North Carolina weather for y'all!

PS. Yes, this is EXACTLY why we don't have plowing or salting services here in NC. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Well, it's Friday the 13th everybody! Anybody superstitious?! Well, just don't encounter any black cats or walk under any ladders. If you do, be sure to find a four leave clover. If not, I'm sure a horse shoe will do. But anyway, it's nothing to be afraid of. It's just silly superstition...MAYBE!

Monday, January 9, 2017

So, we got snow here in North Carolina

Well, only about five inches this weekend. However, it was beautiful. I didn't go to work on Saturday due to the conditions. Yes, think close easily here in NC because we don't have round the clock plowing and salting. There are still places that are leery working today, since we still have ice on the roads. However, I will be working tonight. Please pray I will be all right.  

Glad I got these for Christmas. My brother gave me the hat. Mike and Gretchen (Carson's brother and sister in law) gave me the gloves. I used them to shovel the driveway last Sunday. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

This is what I am planning to do this year.

I'm gonna live a healthier lifestlye. Going to eat better. Get more exercise. Also going to do some meditation.

Well, folks I did this

I went on to Quizlet to study more. Please pray so I may pass. I feel I need it.