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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

However, I have been trying to pull through. Still hoping Medical Billing & Coding works out. I first spent my Christmas Day with Mike and Gretchen (Carson's family, Mike is her brother and Gretchen in her sister in law). They had a special brunch. I got to meet some more of her family. As well, I give nice presents. I also gave Carson, Bayard and Rachell's presents to her (Bayard is my brother, and Rachell is my sister in law). Bayard gave Carson a UNC Christmas shirt, like what I'm wearing the photo below.  Bayard gave one to me, too. He also gave Carson and UNC scarf. Rachell gave her a pug pillow. 
After seeing Mike and Gretchen, Carson and I went to see Collateral Beauty. It was that new Will Smith movie. I thought it was all right. Carson liked it. Then I drove Carson back to her place in Garner. 
In Garner we exchanged presents. She told me she didn't feel the same magic about Christmas as she did when she was a kid. However, after she say what I had for her, I saw that magic back. I know she is a huge Doug the Pug fan. I gave her Doug's book, entitled Doug the Pug: King of Pop culture. I gave her Two Doug the Pug calendars. One was a 16 month calendar. The other is a paper days calendar. I also gave her some pug socks. I also gave her a pug magnet, and a Dallas Cowboys T-shirt (she is also a Dallas Cowboys fan). I gave Cravon (her father) some Washington Redskins M&M's in a little Football. They gave me a mini Detroit Lions pennant, as well as a Coca-Cola coaster, Eternity cologne and aftershave. Eternity is my personal favorite. They even gave me a $10 bill. 
After that we just sat around ate dinner (Carson had some left over chicken casserole) and drank coffee. However, before leaving hone, I got a good shot of the planet Venus. MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!!!!

Me, with a new UNC Christmas shirt. 
That white dot is a view of the planet Venus. Got it from Carson's house.