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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Well, this was how I spent my birthday today.

Well, this is the Birthday Bear. My mother likes to put my presents around it. Didn't get anything fancy. Just some aftershave, spray powder, socks, and a T-shirt. But my mother loves to put presents around it. I didn't really want that much. Well, she basically just gave me silly stuff.

Afterwords I went to New Horizons for a job fair. I am hoping to find a full time job through them. After that, I just spent the evening with Carson. We ate at a restaurant called Krafty's. It's a burger and beer place in Garner. Carson and I walked around the neighborhood some. After that we just hung out. She and her father did decorate the house a lot for me. I told her she didn't have to. But she did anyway. But, that was how I spent my birthday. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there

Happy Father's to day to all the dads out there. Here is a selfie I have taken with mine. As a present, I helped him with lots of heavy halling yesterday. Boy, that stuff was heavy. However, did give him Golf ball and tees. Well, hope all you dads enjoyed your Father's Day. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Okay, now I am getting more frustrated than ever.

I still haven't heard back from ASNC or VR. I have sent them each several emails. However, I really want to start getting my show on the road. Yes, I will admit I am not good at searching for jobs. However, I really want job where I can make a living. No offense to Harris Teeter but cashiering and bagging is not what I want to do. I want something bigger. I remember having a special ed teacher who said I wouldn't amount to anything. Well, I don't want to let her words take over my life. But, I really dreamt of more since I was kid.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Asked for me

I have been seartching for more jobs recently. I truly HOPE I will find one soon.

Prayer request

I want to issue a prayer request for the victims of the Orlando Massacre last Saturday night. There was a radical Muslim terroist who went into a gay nightclumb in Orlando. Being that he bought into the idea of radical Islam, he felt homosexuals are dirty people and need to die. Personally, I feel that is sick and wrong. I feel it doesn't matter on your moral objections. you never have the right to go killing people. Well, the shooter was killed in a gun fight by the police SWAT team. The shooter shot over 100 people. At least 49 were killed, the rest injured. I pray the recovery of the survivors, they they will heal both mentally and physically after the shooter. I pray for the friends and families of people who lost a loved one or dear friend in the Oralando Massacre. I pray they will find the strength to carry on after this burden. This was a truly sad story.

And no, I am not saying all Muslims are radicals. But the shooter in the Orlando Massacre was indeed a radical.