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Monday, January 18, 2016

About last night.

Me doing the Cam Newton Dab. Hoping they beat the Cardinals next Sunday to win the NFC Championship and qualify for Super Bowl 50. More importantly, I HOPE the Panthers WIN Super Bowl 50! That would be AWESOME!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

And today

Had a Little Caesar's Deep Dish pizza and cheese bread, and a 20 ounce Pepsi today. Just had a four mile walk and walked up and down stairs 150 times. Yes, 150 TIMES! Boy, I'm hot. 
Also STRONGLY HOPING the Panthers win the Super Bowl. I just saw the Charlotte Hornets beat the Atlanta Hawks 107-84. Made me happy! Nice to see the Hornets losing steak come to an end. Hope the Panthers beat the Seahawks this Sunday. But, it would be nice if I could be in almost as good shape as those professional athletes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sorry, I hven't posted in a while, but her's the situation.

Well, I am hoping 2016 WILL be my year. I am about to talk to an organization called Kramden. I will volunteer there. What they do is they build computers for school children, so they have computers to work with in the classroom. I hope this will be good experience. Something to add to my resume.
Also, I will be talking to the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) for help on finding employment. I would like to find a job that pays a comfortable amount so Carson and I can live comfortably.
Also about the picture above. Yes, like a lot of people I have been exercising more. Hoping to lose the weight I gained over the Holidays and more. I recently lost four pounds. Hoping to lose more. However, due to the cooler weather it was hard to get outside, so I have been walking up and down stairs 100 times. That's what I did tonight. Well, just thought I would keep you all posted. Please pray the best for me!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year Everybody

Hello everybody! It's now officially 2016 in my time zone! I celebrated it with Carson. We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant close to where she lives. We have been watching Football in the mean time. We were happy Clemson beat Oklahoma. However, disappointed that Alabama shut out Michigan State. And we we so hopping Michigan State would win. Well, we did watch the movie New Year's Eve at her place. Then we watched Dick Clark. We hope 2016 will be our year! I hope I can get certified in 2016. Hope you all have a happy new year!!