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Friday, March 20, 2015

Hello everybody

Just thought I would put up this post. As you probably know, today is the day of the Vernal Equinox. That means, it's now officially Spring on the calendar. However, in North Carolina, we've been getting Spring time weather this past week. So, all is good here.

Well, speaking of North Carolina, the UNC Basketball team squeaked by to pull a victory over Harvard. I mean, UNC was favored like 5-1 over Harvard. We should have CRUSHED them. But instead, we barely won. I hope they don't make that same mistake in the next round of March Madness.

Also, I know there is a Solar Eclipse scheduled for today. Yes, an eclipse right on the Vernal Equinox. How often does that happen? Unfortunately, it will not be visible from North Carolina. So, I will not be able to see it. And it looks like I may not be able to see it anyway because it's currently cloudy here in NC. Well, that's all for now.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Oh no, AAAAHHH! JASON!!! You know what that means.

Yes, people, it's back the the second month in a row. It's...DUN DUN DAH...FRIDAY THE 13! Yes, back for the second month in a row. Scary, wouldn't you say? Another day of such awful bad luck. Please do not come across any black cats. Do not walk under ladders, don't open umbrellas in the house, and YES, YES, YES, I cannot emphasize this enough but DO NOT BREAK ANY MIRRORS!!!! If you do, the bad luck WILL be 13 times greater. Please find some horse shoes or a four leaf clover. But here it is for the second month in a row, FRIDAY THE !#!!!

PS, Yes, this was supposed to be entertainment. I don't really believe in these superstitions. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I guess I can say happy March

However, it doesn't feel like March, or even like Spring for that matter. In fact, here in the Northern Hampshire it's been cold. In North Carolina, where I live, we have even been having snow and ice. All I know is, I'm ready for Spring and the Vernal Equinox is just 19 days away. I hate cold weather!